Trigild has decades of experience serving as court-appointed receiver. Over the years, our team has handled over 700 receivership appointments — devising long-term solutions and sound strategies to maximize asset recovery. Our in-house receivership staff – among them attorneys, paralegals, CPAs, MBAs, and real estate brokers – has taken on every conceivable issue related to receivership law and is adept at locating and seizing key elements of the asset, ensuring the business runs smoothly and efficiently.
Specific services include:
- Liquor License transfers
- Hiring hotel staff
- Takeover Report
- Consulting Enterprise Valuations
- Seizure of Assets
- Court Reports/Order Appointing Receiver
- Contracts and Leases
- Rents and Profits
With a unique combination of receivership, management, and disposition services, our in-house team gets the job done efficiently and effectively, helping to shield the lender from liability and generating the very highest possible recovery.
At Trigild, the cornerstone of our business is maximizing recovery for the benefit of lenders and creditors. We have decades of hospitality industry experience, as well as an extensive background in working with hotel bankruptcies and receiverships – with a national infrastructure, veteran staff, and reputation as an industry leader. Hundreds of the country’s top lenders rely on us to attain fast, effective and cost-effective results.